Founding a company with a qualified electronic signature
You can also set up your company with us using a qualified electronic signature.
When founding a company, it is possible to go through the entire founding process on our website in digitalized and automated form.
Instead of the traditional procedure of printing out the documents, signing them manually and sending them back to us by post, we offer you the opportunity to speed up the process using digital signatures.
By using digital processes and signatures, you can avoid the time-consuming sending of documents by post.
Please note that a qualified electronic signature is mandatory for incorporation with digital signatures and digital document processing (without sending by post). If you do not yet have a qualified electronic signature, you can set one up with the following providers, among others:
Please note that you should inform us of your wish to use digital signatures during the consultation or as part of the ordering process so that we can prepare the foundation accordingly.
UBS (Switzerland) AG, our partner bank, is a leader in the digitalization of start-up processes: In cooperation with, capital contribution applications can be submitted completely digitally and digitally signed capital contribution confirmations can be issued with a qualified electronic signature.
We support you right from the start!
Our company is your reliable partner on the path to founding a company and beyond. We offer prospective company founders comprehensive support - from the initial idea through the start-up phase to the successful operation of your company.
Our expertise covers all aspects of starting a business, including legal advice, financial planning, marketing strategies and much more.
With our help, you can be sure that you will receive the best possible support on your path to self-employment.
Set up your company now
We provide you with comprehensive support: before, during and after company formation.
Establish a sole proprietorship
This legal form is suitable for companies with low capital requirements, a simple structure, sole decision-making authority and when the owner wishes to assume full risk and responsibility.
Incorporate an LLC
This legal form is recommended for companies with medium capital requirements that wish to limit their liability. It is also suitable for companies with several shareholders, a flexible structure and the separation of private and business assets.
Incorporate an PLC
This legal form is recommended for companies with high capital requirements, a broad investor base, flexibility in raising capital and limited liability to the company's assets.
Do you need help?
We understand that many prospective company founders want to make sure that they don't overlook anything when setting up a company. So don't hesitate to contact us before you set up your company.