What do I need to consider when I become self-employed?
We pave the way for you to become an entrepreneur. There are many hurdles to overcome before your initial business idea becomes a viable business concept. The good news is that with the right preparation and strong partners like us at your side, you can make it. At a minimum, you should consider the following to increase your chances of success.

Everything about founding a company
A few key questions need to be clarified for a good start. We have compiled all the requirements for starting a business as well as ideas and tips for you.
A good business idea
A good business idea is the basis for a successful business start-up. Ideally, it should be an idea or business model that does not exist in this form - in other words, it should be innovative.
But a good business idea can also be doing something that already exists in a completely different way. Or doing something new for yourself rather than for your former employer.
Experience in the industry
Ideally, you already have experience in the industry in which you want to start your own business.
Our experience shows that founders with industry experience are more successful than "industry newbies".
Self-confidence and strong will
Successful founders are willing to work 50 to 60 hours a week, take no vacations and stick with their idea in the face of doubters.
Believe in yourself, in your business idea and in the future. This will help you deal with change and setbacks more optimistically.
Business Plan
The business plan is your guide to building your business. It grows with your business and is constantly adapted to the latest developments. It allows you to proceed systematically, identify potential problems early and take countermeasures.
So können Sie systematisch vorgehen, mögliche Probleme frühzeitig erkennen und gegensteuern.
Our tip: Create your business plan easily and free of charge at businessplanner.ch or let us advise you.
Financial control
Young entrepreneurs don't have to be swimming in money to start a business. However, success usually doesn't come as quickly as you initially think. Therefore, do not set your financial resources too tight.
Do you have business management skills? Then you can react more quickly and have your finances and liquidity under control.
Marketing concept
The better you know how to bring your product or service to market, the greater your chances of long-term success.
Invest in online seminars on marketing or learn about the possibilities in one of our courses.
Competitive advantage
No matter how good your business idea is: Your success has to be worked for again and again. Keep researching what the competition is doing, plan ahead, develop improvements and implement them.
That way, you won't lose your market advantage. It's better to act than to always react to the competition.
Your power increases when you can tap into the knowledge of experienced leaders. They can be financial experts, lawyers, or successful business peers. They can open doors for you that would otherwise remain closed.
Das können Finanzexpert:innen, Anwält:innen oder erfolgreiche Unternehmerkolleg:innen sein.
Sie können Ihnen Türen öffnen, die sonst verschlossen bleiben.
No one is an expert in all areas. That's why it makes sense to build up a network for cooperation. This will give you additional know-how. In networking workshops, you will learn how to network effectively.
And we maintain excellent contacts in all corners of the strong Swiss start-up scene. You can benefit from this!
You have considered all the points and are ready to take the plunge into self-employment. From now on, perseverance is required: setting up a company is a marathon that can hardly be managed without outside support. Concentrate on your start-up and leave the administrative tasks of setting up a company to us.
Together with our partners, we will support you before, during and after the start-up. Whether you have questions about planning, financing or tax, legal and insurance aspects.
Start your project. Found your company.
We provide you with comprehensive support: before, during and after company formation.
Found a sole proprietorship
Start your own business with our help: Setting up a sole proprietorship made easy!
Found a limited liability company
Together to success: We support you every step of the way on the way to founding your GmbH.
Found a public limited company
With expert knowledge to form an PLC: We accompany you professionally and reliably through the process.

Do you need help?
We understand that many prospective company founders want to make sure that they don't overlook anything when setting up a company. So don't hesitate to contact us before you set up your company.