Founding a company: The process simply explained

With, the formation of your company is guaranteed. Our specialists will work with you from the beginning to make sure nothing is forgotten. Give us a call today.

company formation Switzerland

Start-up process with


Calculate a non-binding offer

Enter your start-up project conveniently online and benefit from the cost sharing of our partners. You can put together your customized start-up package with just a few clicks.

Enter company data

After you have calculated the non-binding offer, enter your company details. You can then order the company formation.

Get in touch

Our lawyers will contact you within the specified period (often less than 24 hours). You will receive all relevant incorporation documents, can discuss any uncertainties and arrange a personal consultation.

Check documents

You can check, print and sign all the founding documents at home.

Authenticate signature

You must now obtain an official certification of your signature (e.g. from a notary's office). This confirms that the signature is really yours.

Entry in the commercial register

We submit all formation documents to the commercial register office and ensure that your company is successfully entered in the commercial register. In the case of corporations, the paid-in capital is transferred to a business account after publication and is available to your company.


Congratulations on the successful establishment of your company. Your company is now active and can do business.

Set up my company. Start my project.

We provide you with comprehensive support: before, during and after company formation.

Set up a sole proprietorship

The formation of a sole proprietorship is recommended if you are the sole owner and wish to retain full control over your company.

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Set up a limited liability company

The formation of a LLC is recommended if you wish to limit your liability and run your company as an independent legal entity.

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Set up a public limited company

The choice of an PLC is recommended if you want to set up a large company with many shareholders and operate publicly on the capital market.

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Why should you start your business with


At, we offer you access to experienced start-up experts who will support you every step of the way. This will help you avoid rookie mistakes and get your new business off to the best possible start.

Cost & time savings

We save you time and money with efficient services. From incorporation to accounting, we offer everything from a single source. You benefit from favorable all-inclusive prices.

Personalized support

Individual support is very important to us. At, you receive personal advice tailored to your needs and can concentrate on your core business.

Strong partners

You can reduce your start-up costs by concluding contracts with our partners. Ideally, you can set up your company free of charge.

If you have not yet found the ideal legal form.

If none of the legal forms mentioned meet your needs, there are numerous other options for setting up a company in Switzerland.

It is important to consider your individual goals, risk tolerance and long-term strategy in order to choose the optimal legal form for your company in Switzerland, and our experts are on hand to help you choose the right legal form for your company in Switzerland.

With their expertise and experience, they are able to understand your individual needs and help you find the legally and economically optimal solution.

Important aspects that you should consider when setting up your company

All the answers to your questions: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for a successful company formation in Switzerland.

Which legal form is best for my company?

The choice of the appropriate legal form depends on various aspects such as liability, capital requirements, number of founders and tax situation. The most common legal forms in Switzerland are the sole proprietorship, the limited liability company (PLC) and the public limited company (PLC). The sole proprietorship is often ideal for small businesses and sole traders as it is less bureaucratic and less expensive. The LLC offers limited liability and is therefore popular with medium-sized companies. The PLC is particularly suitable for larger companies and those wishing to raise capital through shareholders.

Can a foreign person set up a company in Switzerland?

Yes, foreign nationals can set up a company in Switzerland. However, there are certain requirements.

What financial subsidies and support options are available for start-ups in Switzerland?

There are various funding opportunities for start-ups in Switzerland. Cantons and cities offer special funding programs. Innovation promotion is supported by Innosuisse, the Swiss Innovation Agency. Start-ups also have access to incubators and accelerator programs that offer valuable resources and networks. Financing can be provided by business angels and venture capital companies. There are also grants and loans from banks and financial institutions. In some regions, start-ups also benefit from tax breaks and financial incentives.

How do I best prepare for setting up a company in Switzerland?

The optimal preparation for setting up a company in Switzerland requires thorough planning and organization. Develop a solid business idea and validate it through market analyses. Create a detailed business plan and choose the right legal form. Secure financing and open a business account. Register your company in the commercial register and take out the necessary insurance. Also register with the tax authorities and social security.

How can I attract and retain the right employees for my start-up?

Attracting and retaining talented employees is critical to the success of a startup. This includes attractive and competitive salaries and benefits. An inspiring company vision and positive work culture also play an important role. Flexible work schedules and home office options contribute to employee satisfaction. In addition, training and development opportunities are important to foster employee potential. Participation models such as stock options or profit sharing can also create incentives. Finally, transparent and respectful communication within the team is essential.

Consultation business formation

Do you need help?

We understand that many prospective company founders want to make sure that they don't overlook anything when setting up a company. So don't hesitate to contact us before you set up your company.