AXA will contribute up to CHF 500 to your start-up costs!

Ideal offer for start-ups

As a leading Swiss insurer, AXA is aware of the risks that accompany your everyday life as a founder and offers you an exclusive start-up offer. After all, not everything always goes as planned, especially when a company is founded. Sometimes you're unlucky, sometimes mistakes happen. To ensure that this does not mean the end of your entrepreneurial independence, AXA will support you as a strong partner through all phases of setting up your company — and beyond.

Tailored insurance: From property insurance to occupational pensions — AXA offers the right insurance cover for all stages of your self-employment.

Attractive discount options: When taking out two insurance policies, AXA will contribute up to CHF 500 to your start-up costs at

Helpful start-up offers: As a founder at AXA, you benefit from a large partner network and helpful services, such as:

  • Five hours of free legal advice with legal expenses insurance: for uncomplicated, quick answers to your legal questions
  • Free vehicle lettering on your UPTO company car: for more visibility — even on the go
  • Free liquidity planning workshop: for successful financial planning without financial bottlenecks

Ready to get started?

  1. In the start-up process on, select AXA as a partner and complete your start-up.
  2. Your local AXA consultant will be identified and get back to you as soon as possible.
  3. Together with your AXA consultant, you will discuss your individual situation and find the insurance solution that will best prepare you for the future.

Insurance check for your start-up

With the AXA insurance check, you can find out within three minutes which insurance policies are mandatory in the start-up phase, which are recommended and which you should check in more detail.

Start insurance check

What AXA has to offer

AXA offers self-employed people and start-ups all types of insurance in the following areas:

  • Employees: Accident insurance, daily sickness benefit insurance and (professional) pension solutions
  • Liability and inventory: Business and professional liability insurance, property insurance, legal expenses insurance, car insurance and cyber insurance

An overview of all insurance policies for companies can be found here.

Set up a company, ideally even free of charge!

We work with strong partners who cover part of the start-up costs.

In order to benefit from this cost sharing, you must select the offers from our partners during the start-up process that you need for an optimal start and then conclude appropriate contracts. The partners will immediately inform us that the contracts have been concluded. With the right choice of partner, you can even set up a company for free.

Here Find out more about the offers.

Save money

How you can save money on your business startup costs


Start your order

Great, you've decided to found a startup. Enter your details and start the calculation of a non-binding offer.

Select desired partner offers

When ordering your company formation or commercial register change, you can select the desired partner offers.

Contact by the partners

As soon as you order the company formation via our platform, you will receive the corresponding instructions for the selected partner offers via e-mail. In addition, depending on the partner, a representative of the respective partner will contact you and discuss the offer with you.

Conclusion of partner contracts

As soon as you have concluded the necessary contracts with our partners, we will be informed directly by them. The reduction of the full remuneration only takes effect when the selected partners inform that one or more valid contract(s) has/have been concluded with the partner company.

Entitlement to assumption of costs

You can benefit from our partners' cost sharing even after the company has been founded (up to 1 year after entry in the commercial register).

Start your business. Ideally for free.

We provide you with comprehensive support: before, during and after company formation.

Starting a Sole Proprietorship

Suitable for low capital requirements, simple structure, sole decision-making authority and if the owner wants to bear the full risk and responsibility.

Set up now

Starting a Limited Liability Company

Recommended for medium capital requirements, limited liability, several shareholders, flexible structure and separation of private and business assets.

Set up now

Starting a Public Limited Company

Recommended for high capital requirements, a broad investor base, flexibility in raising capital and limited liability to the company's assets.

Set up now

Do you need help?

We understand that many prospective company founders want to make sure that they don't overlook anything when setting up a company. So don't hesitate to contact us before you set up your company.

Consultation business formation