Zuger Jungunternehmer Preis

The Zug Young Entrepreneurs Prize promotes innovative start-ups in Zug. Apply and present your company in a three-minute pitch to an audience and an expert jury to win the audience prize of 5,000 CHF.


The company is only admitted to the competition if it is domiciled in the canton of Zug. The company must not have been founded before the date defined on the homepage. The idea behind this is that the company is a maximum of 4 years old. It must be possible to demonstrate active activity on the market.


Since 2004, the “Zuger Jungunternehmer Prize” has been organized and awarded by Businesspark Zug and Technologieforum Zug. The sponsorship prize is not industry-specific.


The winner of the “Zug Young Entrepreneur Prize” receives prize money of CHF 5,000, the second or third place winner one of CHF 2,000 or CHF 1,000.