Prix Créateurs WKB

The Prix Créateurs BCVS is an award for innovation and entrepreneurship in Valais. Take the opportunity to present your innovative idea to a top-class jury and make it a success.


Sponsors of a project to set up a company or sponsors of innovative business projects are eligible to participate. The submitted projects may have existed for a maximum of three years and must be able to be developed and implemented in Valais (creation of a legal form or operation by an existing company). The projects must be sufficiently advanced on a technical, commercial, legal and financial level that the creation of a company or the launch of the product/service can be seriously considered in the 12 months following the nomination. The application documents must contain a business plan in French, German or English of a maximum of 10 A4 pages (without attachments) and must be submitted by post or in electronic form by a deadline specified on the homepage.


The “Prix Créateurs WKB” Young Entrepreneurs Prize is traditionally awarded every two years to particularly innovative young Valais entrepreneurs. The aim is to promote the innovative spirit and creativity of companies in Valais.


The total value of the prize is CHF 30,000, which consists of a cash contribution, a coaching service and an advertising film.