MILESTONE. Tourismuspreis Schweiz

Experience the MILESTONE Innovation Award — the most important award for innovative projects in Swiss tourism.


Persons, companies and Swiss tourism organizations who either provide outstanding services, have implemented outstanding projects or have implemented environmentally sustainable projects are eligible to participate in the competition. Secondary and tertiary students as well as young entrepreneurs with a feasible or already completed project are also eligible to participate. Registration must be made via the MileStone homepage by a specific deadline. Participants must pay a participation fee of CHF 150.


The “MILESTONE. Swiss Tourism Prize”, as an official Swiss tourism prize, honors outstanding projects and personalities in the Swiss tourism landscape. It is awarded in the categories “Outstanding Project,” “Newcomer Award,” “Environmental Prize,” and “Lifetime Achievement of a Personality.”


The first to third place winners in the “Outstanding Project” category will receive prize money of CHF 10,000, CHF 5,000 and CHF 3,000. The “Environmental Prize” is endowed with prize money of CHF 5,000 and the “Young Talent Prize” with CHF 10,000. A “life's work” is honored with a special honor.