
The i4Challenge supports innovative Industry 4.0 projects with mentoring, network access and benefits in kind up to 40,000 CHF. Apply and make your idea a success in the Basel Area.


The following are allowed:

  • SMEs with sustainable Industry 4.0 solutions or services
  • Startups with innovative Industry 4.0 solutions or services
  • New Ideas (for students, intrapreneurs, founders and tech teams) with promising ideas for industry innovation

Applications from Switzerland, Alsace and Baden-Württemberg are accepted.
Startups and SMEs must be able to present a prototype or a product.


The i4Challenge is an accelerator program for SMEs, startups and new projects from students, intrapreneurs, founders and tech teams with promising ideas for industry innovation. All about industry, new approaches and next-generation products or services for the transformation of Industry 4.0.


All categories benefit from:

  • Public impact through Basel Area Business & Innovation's online channels
  • Access to Basel Area Business & Innovation's Industry 4.0 network
  • Mentoring from industry professionals
  • Co-working space at one of the Switzerland Innovation Park Basel Area locations